Behaviors examines the behaviors individuals bring to the job and the universal language of “how we act,” or our observable human behavior. These reports consist of one science: behaviors. There are many applications for this type of report including benchmarking top talent, building high performing teams, and increasing the communication and collaboration of team members and colleagues. The reports can also be customized to positions.
Reports: Management, Sales, Customer Service, Interviewing Insights – General, Communicating with Style
Personal Motivators
The Personal Motivators helps illuminate and amplify a person’s motivating factors. This solution also builds on the strengths that each person brings to the work environment by addressing the “why.” It is a great compliment to the behaviors report and clearly highlights what personally motivates an individual – extremely helpful during the selection process. These reports consist of one science: motivators.
Reports: Personal Motivators
Talent Insights
Talent Insights examines the behaviors individuals bring to the job and the motivators that drive them. In addition, this report blends behaviors and motivators together in an integrated section that will help blend the “how” and the “why” of an individual’s actions. These reports consist of two sciences: behaviors and motivators and gives and ideal insight into talent being added to your team.
Reports: Talent Insights – Management Staff, Talent Insights – Talent Overview
Personal Talent Skills Inventory
The PTSI (Personal Talent Skills Inventory) is designed to assess a person’s cognitive structure, focusing on three dimensions of thought: systemic, extrinsic and intrinsic. The report offers a good overview of an individual’s competencies in several areas: general employment skills, critical success skills, and the development of their results oriented, interpersonal, decision-making, self-management and work ethic skills.
Reports: Personal Talent Skills Inventory (PTSI) – Leadership
TriMetrix DNA
TriMetrix DNA examines the behaviors individuals bring to the job, the motivators that drive them, and the ability to demonstrate the competencies required by the job. TriMetrix DNA reveals specific details in these three areas that describe the how, why and what of superior performance. In addition, this report blends behaviors and motivators together in an integrated section that will help you blend the how and the why of a person’s actions. It is an incredibly powerful report, especially useful integrating into a leadership level selection processes, promotional selection processes, succession planning, mergers & acquisitions and performance coaching. These reports consist of three sciences: behaviors, motivators and competencies.
Reports: Tri-Metrix DNA Management Staff, Talent Overview
Sales Skills Index
Sales Skills Index is an objective analysis of an individual’s understanding of the strategies required to sell successfully in any sales environment. This report consists of one science: sales skills. This is a great report to benchmark your top talent and integrate into your recruiting and on-boarding procedures.
Report: SSI – Sales Index
Emotional Quotient
The Emotional Quotient looks at a person’s emotional intelligence, which is the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions to facilitate higher levels of collaboration and productivity. Very useful in the coaching process. This report consists of one science: EQ.
Report: Emotional Quotient
Team Reports
Team reports allow you to combine multiple client assessment results into a collective team assessment, which illustrates the breakdown of how each person fits the overall team dynamic. These are great reports for building a team, assessing the talent that is needed to add to a team, elevating team communication and collaboration and team building initiatives. Team reports can be created for both behaviors and/or motivators.
Reports: Team Behavioral, Team Motivators
Other Reports
We have a number of reports that consist of options for career planning, administrative roles, customer services roles and many variations and combinations of all of the reports above.
Reports: Excellence for Learning – Administrator, Career Planning
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